DELE Success Starts Here
Preparation Courses
Prepare for success with our DELE Preparation Course at K2 Internacional. Obtain the official certification of your Spanish proficiency with DELE Diplomas, awarded by the Instituto Cervantes.
The DELE – Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language – are official qualifications certifying a degree of competence and mastery of Spanish, granted by Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain.
According to our experience, attending a DELE Preparation Course for 2-4 weeks once you have reached the level you want to take the DELE exam (through a Spanish Course in your country or with us) is the best way to prepare yourself for the exam.
With a pass rate of 99%, our DELE preparation course will provide you with the best information and practice exercises tailored to your level.
K2 Internacional is a member of the examination board of the DELE exams. We can inform you about the exam date, time and place, and also take care of all the paper work required in order to register. You can contact our course counselor or check out the official DELE website of the Cervantes Institute.
The course combines:
An Intensive 20 lessons/week course: For you to revise all competences.
10 private lessons a week to prepare the exam: Each lesson will focus on each task of the exam so you can develop the necessary skills to perform well in every exam section and achieve the best total score.
A weekly simulation exam: Test yourself to see where you need to revise and hone your skills. Through first-hand experience of the questions you’ll encounter, you will improve your score, increase your confidence and feel fully prepared.

590 €
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