
This Cookies Policy is part of the Privacy Policy of the website hosted under the domain name (the "Website") and under any of its subdomains or dependent web pages. We use cookies to enhance our services.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small information file created by the Website visited, which stores information on the user's computer to provide access to various functions. Why do we use cookies? We use cookies to gain more information about how users use our content and to help improve their experience when visiting our website.

What information do cookies provide us with?

Specifically, our cookies provide us with the following information:

(i) The domain name of the provider that gives you access to the network. For example, if your provider is XXX, we will only identify you with the domain. This allows us to compile statistics on the countries and servers that visit our Website most frequently.

(ii) The date and time of access to our Website and the amount of time each user spends on it. This enables us to determine peak hours and make necessary adjustments to prevent saturation issues.

(iii) The internet address from which the link directing to our Website originated. With this data, we can assess the effectiveness of different banners and links pointing to our server in order to enhance those that yield better results, meeting the information needs of our users.

(iv) The number of daily visitors to each content. This allows us to identify the most successful areas and increase and improve their content, providing users with more satisfying information. The information obtained is entirely anonymous, meaning it cannot be associated with a specific and identified user.

(v) The language chosen by each user on their first visit to the website and the restricted space.

(vi) Security elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas.

(vii) User activity within the Website: links and places clicked, pages visited, searches, etc. This helps us improve the Website's functionality and make it more appealing and useful to the user.

The information accessed through cookies allows us to personalize content based on user interests, but in no case do our cookies allow us to obtain personal data, nor can they read data or other cookies on the user's device.

Types of cookies

The following types of cookies are used on the Website:

According to the entity that manages them:

(i) First-party cookies: These are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a device or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the requested service is provided by the user.

(ii) Third-party cookies: These are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a device or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes data obtained through cookies.

According to the duration they remain active:

(i) Session cookies: These are cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a website. They expire once the user leaves the website.

(ii) Persistent cookies: These are cookies in which the data is still stored on the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a defined period set by the cookie's controller, which can range from minutes to years.

According to their purpose:

(i) Technical cookies: These allow users to navigate the website and use its different options or services.

(ii) Analytical cookies: These allow quantifying the number of users and their connection time, enabling the measurement and statistical analysis of the use of the offered services in order to improve what is offered to users.

(iii) Advertising cookies: These manage advertising spaces.

(iv) Behavioral advertising cookies: These cookies store information about user behavior, obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits.

(v) Session cookies: Session cookies allow users to be recognized on a website so that any changes they make, items they select, or data they enter are remembered from one page to another.

How to reject cookies?

At any time, you can prevent the installation of cookies on your device through the corresponding option in your browser (help function), but in this case, we cannot guarantee the correct functioning of the various features of the Website.

Here are the links for managing and blocking cookies depending on the browser you use:

Internet Explorer:




You can also manage the storage of cookies through other tools such as:


Your online choices: